Body Scoring of Dairy Animals - Cows & Buffaloes


Body Scoring of Dairy Animals

Body scoring is very important in assessing the health status of an animal.

A low score may indicate diseases or improper feeding while a high score may indicate a high probability of breeding and metabolic problems.


·       Extremely thin

·       No fat in brisket or tail docks.

·       All skeletal structures are visible.

·       Dull hair

·       May be diseased and survival during stress is doubtful



·       Thin- Vertebrae, hips and pin bone prominent.

·       Some tissue covers around tail dock, hip bones and the flank.

·       Muscle tissue evident but not abundant, health may be OK



·       Ribcage only slightly visible

·       Fat deposit behind shoulder obvious, ideal condition for calving.

·       Fat deposit in brisket area.

·       Hook and pin bone visible, but not prominent



·       Skeletal structure difficult to identify

·       Obvious fat deposits behind shoulder and tail head

·       Flat appearance to the top line

·       Folds of fat starting to develop over ribs and thighs



·       Animal is obese, flat appearance dominates.

·       Brisket is heavy and bone structure not noticeable.

·       Tail head and hip bones completely buried in folds of fat.

·       Back is flat and completely covered by fat.

·       Mobility impaired by large fat deposits

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